Katie Bentivoglio

Katie Bentivoglio is the project director for Wasabi, a Tunisian media and events management company, where she works on entrepreneurship, art/culture, and civil society initiatives in Tunisia. Her experience includes working in higher education, civil society, public policy, diplomacy, and the private sector in both the United States and the MENA region. She is accustomed

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Who Is Running the Egyptian State?

Source: Carnegie Endowment Author(s): Nathan J. Brown, Katie Bentivoglio Original Link: http://carnegieendowment.org/2015/07/31/who-is-running-egyptian-state-pub-60918 For scholars and many journalists, most non-democratic regimes look the same: they are led and designed by autocratic dictators—or sometimes by small cliques—according to the leader’s whims and interests. “Pinochet’s Chile” was...

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Egypt’s Economy: A Mixed Picture, at Best

Source: Carnegie Endowment Author(s): Michele Dunne, Katie Bentivoglio Original Link: http://carnegie-mec.org/diwan/59310 On March 13, the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh will play host to a major economic conference. It has been in the works ever since the late Saudi King Abdullah invited other nations to a donor conference following the June 2014 election of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi...

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Is Sisi Islam’s Martin Luther?

Source: Carnegie Endowment Author(s): Michele Dunne, Katie Bentivoglio Original Link: http://carnegie-mec.org/diwan/57738 U.S. commentators have hailed Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s January 2 call for a “religious revolution” in Islam as potentially Nobel Peace Prize-worthy, asking whether Sisi might be “Islam’s Martin Luther” and noting that he made the remarks at al-Azhar, “the...

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