What Shapes Radical Youth’s Decision to Take up Arms in Egypt?

Source: Italian Institute for International Political Studies Author(s): Georges Fahmi and Nouran Ahmed Original Link: https://www.ispionline.it/en/pubblicazione/what-shapes-radical-youths-decision-take-arms-egypt-31605 On the 3rd of July 2013, the Egyptian military, supported by a large part of the Egyptian population as well as the judiciary, political opposition, and prominent religious...

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Morsi’s Death Will Shake the Muslim Brotherhood

Source: Chatham House Author(s):  Georges Fahmi Original Link: https://www.chathamhouse.org/expert/comment/morsi-s-death-will-shake-muslim-brotherhood In the wake of the death of former Egyptian president Mohammad Morsi, there has been a wave of solidarity among the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters in Egypt and abroad. Competing groups, beset by a deep divide caused by two strands of...

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Egyptian Election Numbers Show Regime Supporters Are Becoming More Passive

Source: Chatham House Author(s): Dr. Georges Fahmi Original Link: https://www.chathamhouse.org/expert/comment/egyptian-election-numbers-show-regime-supporters-are-becoming-more-passive The Egyptian presidential election has shown that the regime of Abdel Fattah el-Sisi still enjoys support among the same constituencies that opposed the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in June 2013. However...

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New Groups Will Lose Out in Egypt’s Market of Violence

Source: Chatham House Author(s): Georges Fahmi Original Link: https://www.chathamhouse.org/expert/comment/new-groups-will-lose-out-egypts-market-violence The UK and US authorities have recently listed two Egyptian groups, Hassm and Lewaa al-Thawra, as terrorist organizations. Hassm, an abbreviation for ‘The Arms of Egypt Movement’ (established in July 2016), and Lewaa al-Thawra, which...

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Why Aren’t More Muslim Brothers Turning to Violence?

Source: Chatham House Author(s): Dr Georges Fahmi Original Link: https://www.chathamhouse.org/expert/comment/why-aren-t-more-muslim-brothers-turning-violence After the 2013 military intervention against the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, many voices warned that the Brotherhood would shift its tactics to include the use of violence. However, only a minority within the Brotherhood has...

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A New Law in Old Bottles

Source: Carnegie Endowment Author(s): Dr Georges Fahmi Original Link: http://carnegie-mec.org/diwan/64602 At the end of August the Egyptian parliament passed a law on the construction and restoration of churches. It is the first law to regulate such construction, which was previously governed by vague rules based on administrative decisions issued in the 1930s, and that placed many...

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The Struggle for the Leadership of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood

Source: Carnegie Endowment Author(s): Dr Georges Fahmi Original Link: http://carnegie-mec.org/2015/07/14/struggle-for-leadership-of-egypt-s-muslim-brotherhood-pub-60678 A sharp conflict over the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has played out recently. The former members of the Guidance Bureau, the top executive body that formulates the policies of the organization, are jockeying...

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