Whose Lives Matter? An Equivocal Approach to American Detainees

Source: The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy

Author(s): Allison Mcmanus

Original Link: https://timep.org/commentary/analysis/whose-lives-matter-an-equivocal-approach-to-american-detainees/

On January 13, Mustafa Kassem died tragically of heart failure in a cold cell in Egypt’s Tora Prison. Kassem, a U.S. citizen and by all accounts an innocent man who spent six and a half years in prison, was subject to inhumane treatment and medical neglect that eventually killed him. He was stopped by police in the wake of the massacre at Raba’a al Adaweya in 2013, despite having taken no part in the sit-in or the political unrest surrounding it. His arrest, slowly at first but with increasing intensity in the past years, garnered public attention from his friends, family, and rights advocates, as well as across the aisle of Washington’s partisan divide; Vice President Mike Pence, among others, made strong public statements on his behalf.

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