Source: The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy
Author(s): TIMEP
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The Church Construction Law creates a formal process for Christian denominations to submit a request for the “building, expanding, enhancement, reinforcement, destruction, or external detailing of a church, church annex, services building, or retreat house.” A legal representative of the church must submit a request, along with the appropriate permits and documentation, to the relevant provincial governor. The governor must approve or deny the request within four months and must provide a “justified” explanation if the request is denied; when deciding whether or not to approve the request, the governor may consider the “number and need of the citizens of the Christian denomination.” The law fails to address what recourse is available for communities that do not receive responses to their requests within four months, whether a failure to respond within the deadline constitutes tacit approval of the application, and what recourse is available for communities whose application is ultimately denied.
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