SPECIAL BRIEFING: Bahariya Oasis Incident

Source: The Tahrir Institute For Middle East Policy
Author(s): Unknown

Original Link: https://timep.org/commentary/special-briefing-bahariya-oasis/


On Friday, October 20, a convoy of Egyptian security personnel attempting a counter-terror raid was overcome by militants near Bahariya Oasis, about 85 miles southwest of Cairo. The Ministry of Interior reported the deaths of 11 officers (including two brigadier generals), one sergeant, and four conscripts, with 13 injured and one missing. Other reports, relying on anonymous security officials, have placed the death toll at over 50. The convoy was responding to an apparent intelligence tip on a militant hideout when it was attacked, with militants executing the officers and conscripts and seizing weapons.

No group has issued a claim of responsibility, though Hassm, the Islamic State, al-Morabitoon, and militants affiliated with Ansar al-Sharia have all been mentioned as possible perpetrators….

Read more at original link.

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