Nubians, the Egyptian State, and the Right of Return

Source: The Tahrir Institute For Middle East Policy
Author(s): Mohamed El Dahshan

Original Link:

Smiling faces playing tambourines on the deck of a sailboat in the southern city of Aswan are a staple of Egyptian official tourism promotion videos. Aswanis, and Nubians in general, are renowned for kindness and hospitality, and their native land, Nubia, which straddles the Egyptian and Sudanese border, is home to breathtaking nature, wondrous pharaonic temples, and a rich history, during which Nubian kings extended their rule to the entirety of Egypt.

But when two dozen young Nubians marched in the streets of their regional capital, playing the exact same tambourines, singing those very traditional Nubian tunes—along with songs about their forced migration—they were promptly arrested on charges of “incitement to protest, protesting without permit, owning leaflets, violation of public security, disrupting traffic, and foreign funding,” according to Nubian activist Tarik Yehia. Though they were to be released on bond pending their trials, vindictive prosecutors appealed the release, renewing their imprisonment for an additional 45 days….

Read more at original link.

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