Sisi’s Pyrrhic Victory

Source: Carnegie Endowment
Author(s): Maged Mandour

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The transfer of the two red sea islands of Tiran and Sanafir from Egypt to Saudi Arabia sparked a long legal battle between the regime and critics within the establishment, led by former presidential candidate Khaled Ali. The regime seems to have won the battle, as Abdel Wahab Abdel Razeq, the president of the Supreme Constitutional Court, ruled on June 21 to annul all previous legal rulings pertaining to the transfer of the islands. In addition, on June 24, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi ratified the treaty to transfer the islands after it was approved by the parliament on June 14.

Although the legal battle was settled in favor of the regime, it has shown that the judiciary—though largely coopted by the regime—still has significant pockets of opposition capable of resisting the regime under certain circumstances…

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