Source: The Tahrir Institute For Middle East Policy
Author(s): Unknown
Original Link:
This briefing was updated on April 26, 2017.
Initial reports described the uniformed men in the video as members of the Egyptian Armed Forces, but later reports made it clear that they are military-backed militiamen. This version of the briefing corrects that description, among other updates.
- An April video released by Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Mekameleen channel depicts what appears to be state-backed militiamen carrying out extrajudicial killings of civilians. The video has been shared widely, prompting serious concerns about violations of international and domestic law.
- The video also raises questions about Egypt’s declared war on terror in the Sinai, particularly about the targets of its counter-insurgency operations. Since mid-2013, 6,268 deaths of “terrorists” were reported in military operations in North Sinai, although the highest estimates place the number of militants at no more than one thousand….
Read more at original link.