Egypt Campus: The Students Versus the Regime

Source: Carnegie Endowment
Author(s): Amr Hamzawy

Original Link:

Following the 2013 military coup, students affiliated with-and sympathetic to-the Muslim Brotherhood demonstrated in public universities to demand the return of the deposed President Mohamed Morsi. Their demonstrations turned universities into a new battleground between security forces and students as Egypt’s new rulers moved to crack down on student activism.

The clampdown has been harsh.

Egypt’s ruling generals have used laws, regulations, procedures, and security tools to subdue student dissidents. The government has employed private security companies to patrol public university campuses and pushed university administrations to enforce harsh penalties against non-compliant students.

The general prosecutor has transferred hundreds of student dissidents to criminal courts and even more have remained in police detention. In the academic year following the coup, at least 14 students were killed in campus violence and hundreds arrested or suspended…

This article was originally published by Al Jazeera.

Read more at Original Link.

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