Source: The Tahrir Institute For Middle East Policy
Author(s): Ragab Saad
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In his September 2015 interview with CNN, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El Sisi boasted that Egypt is seeing “unprecedented media freedom.” However, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) reports that Egypt had the worst deterioration of media freedom. Egypt ranked only second to China in the number of jailed journalists around the world. Sisi’s government continues to use national security as a pretext to repress the opposition, and perceives the media as a regime tool to promote his policies and to overlook the deteriorating economic, social and security conditions. The Egyptian authorities jailed 23 journalists in 2015, up from 12 in 2014, and notable writers Ismail Alexandrani and Hisham Gaafar have faced accusations related to their reporting….
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