Letter From Cairo

Source: Carnegie Endowment
Author(s): Nancy Okail

Original Link: http://carnegieeurope.eu/strategiceurope/62891

Strategic Europe continues its Capitals Series exploring how EU foreign policy is viewed by ten countries in Europe’s Southern neighborhood. We have asked our contributors from each capital to give a candid assessment of the EU’s approach toward their country, with a ranking on a scale from “irrelevant” to “helpful.” This week, the spotlight is on Egypt.


Amid the catastrophic news from the Middle East—a civil war in Syria, the rise of the self-proclaimed Islamic State, violent insurgencies, and a refugee crisis—Egypt may seem quite stable. As international leaders struggle to formulate a coherent strategy to address immediate crises in the region, they turn a blind eye to increasing repression and human rights violations in Egypt, assuming that the government in Cairo will be able to maintain stability by following a firm security policy…

Read more at original link.


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