Egypt’s Military Regime and the Muslim Brotherhood

Source: Center for Global Policy

Author(s): Kamran Bokhari and Hassan Hassan

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Since its tumultuous birth after the coup in 1952, the modern Egyptian republic has been a battleground in the struggle between a military-dominated secular regime and Islamism, most prominently represented by the world oldest Islamist movement, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). What has suffered in this historical struggle is the process of democratization. This dynamic was all too clear in the sequence of events between the February 2011 fall of longtime dictator Hosni Mubarak and the coup that brought the current military leader, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, to power in July 2013. Over the past six years, most of the people’s attention — and ire — has been directed toward one side of the autocratic equation: the regime. 

In contrast, the Brotherhood has gained a certain degree of sympathy, given the massive crackdown it has had to endure. In light of the recent outbreak of protests against El-Sisi, however, it is important to remember that the Brotherhood is also an autocratic force. This was evident with the way it ruled for a year during the short-lived presidency of its late leader Mohamed Morsi. 

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