‘Hospitals are for the dying’: Medical negligence inside Egyptian prisons

Source: Madamasr

Author(s): Hadeer El-Mahdawy

Original Link:  https://madamasr.com/en/2019/06/30/feature/politics/hospitals-are-for-the-dying-medical-negligence-inside-egyptian-prisons/

Inside his prison cell, Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh’s health has severely deteriorated.

This past weekend, the 68-year-old former presidential candidate suffered two heart attacks in less than 24 hours, according to his son. “This is the result of inhumane conditions in prison and his deliberate mistreatment,” Ahmed Aboul Fotouh wrote. “My father could die at any moment.”

Aboul Fotouh has was arrested in February 2018 and his been held in remand detention ever since. For more than 500 days he has been held in isolation, denied access to fresh air, exposure to the sun, or time to exercise.  His weight has plummeted by 30 kilograms in detention. “They even refused to let him have a belt. He keeps holding his pants to prevent them from falling,” his lawyer Abdel Rahman Haridy says.

And his repeated appeals for medical care go largely unanswered.

Read more at original link

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