Innovative Arab Media and the New Outlines of Citizenship

Source: The Century Foundation

Author(s): Lina Attalah

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Trying to work in free and critical media in Egypt in the last few years has at times been a lonely endeavor. Even at its best moments, reporting and writing for Mada Masr, the Cairo-based independent media outlet I cofounded in 2013, can feel like fighting a flood with a bucket, or shouting into the wind. All around there is a rising tide of authoritarianism. The mood in the region—not to mention the world—often seems to be moving in the opposite direction from the ideals that guide us. But our loneliness is assuaged by knowing that we are not the only ones who believe that the craft of journalism can be used to become political agents. And not agents in pursuit of a particular political ideology, but in pursuit of new epistemologies of knowledge, and new possibilities of ideas. The realization is even more refreshing when its baseline transcends the geographical and psychological borders of the national home, to reach another, broader home: the Arab world.

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