Source: Madamasr
Author(s): Madamasr
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In its final statement on the 2019 constitutional referendum, the National Elections Authority (NEA) announced on April 23 that voters had approved the proposed amendments by 88.8 percent, with a 44.3 percent turnout.
The sweeping set of changes allow President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to extend his rule until 2030, diminish the independence of the judiciary and grant unprecedented powers to the Armed Forces, among other changes.
Yet despite the pivotal nature of the vote, the NEA’s announcement of the official results was brief and included precious few details. There was no breakdown on the number of votes cast abroad versus inside the country, which the NEA did lay out in 2018 when announcing the results of the presidential elections. The NEA also did not disclose certain details previously described as “important” by the head of the former High Elections Commission during the 2014 Constitutional Referendum, such as the number of ballots cast by voters in polling stations outside of their home districts. Also absent were detailed polling statistics broken out by governorate that the High Elections Commission provided to the media and published on its official siteimmediately after the 2014 results were announced. (The NEA replaced the High Elections Commission when President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ratified the National Elections Authority Law in 2017).
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