The Militarization of Politics and an Authoritarian Revival: The Eighth Annual CIHRS Report on Human Rights in the Arab Region

Source: Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies

Author(s): N/A

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The Arab region is facing an immeasurably more profound crisis than it faced at the beginning of the Arab Spring uprisings seven years ago, contends the Eight Annual Report issued by the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) on August 7th, 2018, entitled “The Militarization of Politics and an Authoritarian Revival.” The “increasing militarization of politics, the failure to find peaceful, radical solutions to the region’s internal and international conflicts, and the resurgence of authoritarianism since the Arab Spring revolutions,” has wrought an unrelenting, dangerous decline in the region’s human rights situation. Yet as authoritarianism has risen, so too have demands for economic and social justice. Rather than quelling public protest in the region, intensified repression has inspired it.

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