The Right to Health in North Sinai: Challenges and Community Solutions

Source: Egyptian Initiative For Personal Rights
Author(s): Unknown

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As stated by the Egyptian Constitution, the Right to Health is a universal right for all citizens that should be realized without discrimination. Understanding the challenges facing the realizing of this right to the citizens of North Sinai and proposing community solutions that can promote are specially important in the light of the difficult situation citizens of these region face in the light of the omnipresent armed conflict and security situation and, additionally, following the recent announcement by the state authorities that this governorate would be the site of the first phase in the implementation of the new National Social Health Insurance law. This report presents a qualitative narrative description of the state of healthcare in North Sinai from a Rights to Health perspective. It generates its quantitative data from official data sources and its narratives from contributions and input from a sample of community members in the governorate of North Sinai…

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