1095 Days of al-Sisi’s Presidency: The Upcoming Egyptian Presidential Elections on SNS

Source: The Moshe Dayan Center For Middle Eastern And African Studies
Author(s): Michael Barak

Original Link: https://dayan.org/content/1095-days-al-sisi%E2%80%99s-presidency-upcoming-egyptian-presidential-elections-sns

Against the backdrop of preparations for the Egyptian presidential elections scheduled for April 2018, social networking sites (SNS) in Egypt have been, for several months, engaged in a frantic discussion. This discussion has examined the achievements of the regime of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and has debated whether he should be elected for another term. Many Egyptian citizens thank al-Sisi for his efforts to defend the Egyptian homeland against ISIS terrorism and against the Muslim Brotherhood’s attempt to take control of the state institutions during the period of Morsi’s presidency. At the same time, there is an evident sense of disappointment over al-Sisi’s perceived failure to improve the welfare of residents, particularly in the economic realm….

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