Source: Egyptian Institute For Studies
Author(s): Unknown
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The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany And the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, hereinafter referred to as the “Contracting Parties”, Desiring to further consolidate and develop the friendly relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Arab Republic of Egypt, Convinced that cooperation is extremely important for the effective prevention and fight against crime, and wishing to support one another and to cooperate more closely with regard to mutual assistance in the event of disasters and serious accidents for the sake of the population, Motivated by the desire to protect the citizens of their states and other persons in their territory effectively against criminal offences, Aware that secure border protection is fundamental for effectively fighting terrorism and ensuring the security and thus is a major challenge currently faced by the Contracting Parties and their societies, Mindful of the aims and principles of international agreements which are binding upon both states, and of the resolutions of the United Nations and its specialized agencies in the field of crime control, counter-terrorism, humanitarian aid and the protection of human rights, Have agreed as follows..
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