The Regeni murder: Egypt’s repression of academics and journalists

Source: German Institute For Security And International Affairs
Author(s): Dr. Stephan Roll, Lars Brozus

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The murder of an Italian academic one year ago was yet another tragic reminder that it is barely possible to conduct independent research in Egypt these days. But German and European policies on Egypt rely on scholarly analyses, say Stephan Roll and Lars Brozus.

One year ago, on 25 January 2016, the academic Giulio Regeni disappeared in Cairo, his body was found on 3 February. The autopsy showed that the 28-year-old had been tortured for days.

To this day, the crime has not been explained and the perpetrators have not been caught, but the evidence is damning: Regeni disappeared on the 5th anniversary of the 2011 uprising, when there was a particularly robust security presence in downtown Cairo; Egyptian human rights activists say the torture methods bore all the hallmarks of the security forces…

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